Volker has worked with diverse businesses across cultures, time zones and expertise. Volker can work with anyone and uses the language of design to identify the problem, help to ask the right questions and work towards the solution.
Volker has worked in advertising, design, interactive, architects, academics, construction, museums and government. Volker has worked with large corporations, Institutions, SME and start-ups.
Volker can speak multiple languages required in the design/ business innovation sector. He can speak to a print house, present a pitch, talk type to a designer and present a campaign to a board. His cultural knowledge in Asia and Europe combined with tech savvy coupled with a solid emotional intelligence enables this diverse communication happen.
GDFN Logo Development, design workshop involving global participents, Tongji University, Shanghai China
Volker understands the value of the group including the facets, personalities and dynamics of a group. Although one of a team he can lead a mission and bring enthusiasm to the most complex or mundane challenge.
Volker’s management style is open and considered. He quickly capitalises value of identifying team member’s key strengths and putting them to their full creative potential within the demands of the business. He identifies the importance of mutual sharing of knowledge and skills to create a team that is working at its peak in order to achieve a successful professional outcome that reflects on the company and the client. Success for the team is paramount.
Collaborative sketches during the Sugar Design Network logo development.